Sunday, March 4, 2012

Smoking Gun - Philadelphia Cardinal Bevilaqua ordered list of abusers destroyed

Recent revelations in the ongoing discovery phase of the Philadelphia criminal case against Msgr. Lynn revealed that a list of pedophiles and probable abuser priests he had compiled decades ago was ordered destroyed by then Cardinal Archbishop Bevilaqua. Msgr. Molly had kept a copy of this memo in a safe which was broken into upon his death. The Allentown Pa Morning Call recently revealed several of the original documents turned up by the proscecution including the note from Msgr. Molloy (1994)  that copies of the memo had been destroyed. One recipient of this note was Edward Cullen, later bishop of Allentown.

Later both the Cardinal and several other archdiocesan officials testified before a grand jury that they had no knowledge of abusive priests.

also reproduced below is the first page of the original memo from Msgr. Lynn.

This verification of the policy of coverup and disregard of the innocent and untruth at the highest levels of authority in the Archdiocese where I grew up  is truly disturbing.

Further details and documentation at the Allentown Morning Call

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